faulogo chinese textFAU China Convoy Reunion Group


World War I
World War II

Selection and Training

Post World War II
The FAU post World War Two

Many of the Unit’s members continued to undertake relief work in the months and years immediately after the cessation of hostilities primarily with refugees and the stricken civilian populations of Europe.

FAU activity continued both at home and abroad, albeit on a much reduced scale, up until 1959 when it was disbanded. It provided a valuable alternative to young conscientious objectors called up for National Service.

Roger Bush's book FAU: The Third Generation provides an account of the Unit's activities in the post-war years see Bibliography.

This work included participation in reconstruction initiatives and social care programmes, particularly in relation to refugees from WW2 and other conflicts including those arriving in Austria from Hungary in 1956.

In 1947 the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the Friends Service Council and the American Friends Service Committee. The citation recalled not just the work done in WW2 in the Far East, the Middle East, in North Africa and Ethiopia, in Finland, Norway, Greece and in Italy, France, the Low Countries and in Germany, but also the work done by Friends as far back as the Napoleonic, Crimean, Franco-Prussian and Boer Wars, in WW1 and in Central Europe between the wars and during the Spanish Civil War.
The full citations of this award can be read at http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1947/